Transdermal Diffusion

Transdermal diffusion in LA VAGUE baths

LA VAGUE Sels de Bain has been specially developed to promote and enable so-called transdermal diffusion. This means that a larger proportion of the active and vital ingredients in LA VAGUE Sels de Bain penetrate deeper into the skin and overcome the skin barrier than normally happens and is possible.

The transdermal Diffusion is favored by the following factors in LA VAGUE Sels de Bain baths:

  1. The salt has a high pH value and is therefore basic.
  2. The many high-quality oils in the bath increase the permeability of the skin
  3. The high concentrations of the active ingredients stimulate the concentration balance in the skin.
  4. The ingredients are dissolved in the water and penetrate therefore better absorbed into the skin.
  5. With a bath, a much larger area of ​​skin is exposed to the active ingredients than with local applications
  6. The bath hydrates the skin and enriches it with moisture.
  7. A warm bath promotes the exchange between the skin and the bath water.
  8. The duration of the bath is also an important factor. How long do you expose your skin and body to active and vital substances? Longer baths are helpful here, as are regular baths.
  9. Brushing the skin can also increase skin penetration. When you take a bath, the skin is already moister and softer and easier to penetrate. Brushing has the effect of physically transporting the active ingredients and vital substances deeper into the skin.

Transdermal diffusion is almost ideally possible with LA VAGUE baths. This is a very rare and special feature of the LA VAGUE baths on this scale. LA VAGUE Sels de Bain contains many active and vital substances. You won't find most of these vital substances in other bath salts, skin products and cosmetics. And if so, the concentration of around 26 of the vital substances in LA VAGUE Sels de Bain will be 50, 100 or even more than 1000 times higher. LA VAGUE Sels de Bain not only provides the skin and body with a huge amount of active and vital substances, but its alkaline properties also ensure that these substances not only remain on the surface of the skin, but also actually penetrate the skin and penetrate the body and have effects there.

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